Category: Whole Food Recipes

  • Chicken, Jasmine Rice, Black Beans, Avocado and Salsa

    Chicken, Jasmine Rice, Black Beans, Avocado and Salsa

    Hello B-U-M Babes, here we are the week after Thanksgiving and you may still be eating those left overs!!! Can I just say I am one and done when it comes to all those holiday foods! Its time to more on, you have permission to throw out or give away your left overs to a…

  • Jasmine Rice, Shrimp and Snow Peas Recipe

    Jasmine Rice, Shrimp and  Snow Peas Recipe

    Let me be honest. When I stopped dieting and made up my mind that I was going to eat healthy and not try to diet the one thing I missed, or thought I missed, was the flavor of food. But little did I now what was really in store for me. Let me explain. What…

  • Quick, Easy, Gluten and Dairy free Protein Pancakes

    Just imagine for a moment, you open your eyes and all of a sudden you smell this amazing smell! What is that, you ask. Still in your sleepy state you think, has someone opened a bakery close to me? And then you realize your significant other is not in the bed beside you. You roll…