Hi I’m Heather

Let me say thank you for checking out my site. I love life and being healthy, although I have not always been healthy, and I still struggle sometimes with adrenal fatigue. But I do lead a healthy lifestyle. I spent years raising a family and building a corporate career and I had no time for health until my health had no time for me!

I am a wife a Mom and a GG to 2 beautiful grandbabies and don’t let me forget my 2 fur babies. There is nothing I love more than spending time with my family and loving on them as much as possible. As a corporate Mom raising 2 young girls, I always felt like I didn’t get enough time with them when they were growing up. I bet you can relate.

I lead a pretty normal, boring life, that I love, my days are filled with helping others on their own health journey, keeping my health in check, loving on my family and spoiling 2 fur babies.

My journey truly started at about age 42, or at least that is when I decided to get in shape and take better care of myself. I joined a local gym and fell in love with the group fitness atmosphere. There is nothing like sweating together as a group and encouraging each other when it gets hard. I became a fitness instructor after having an injury that put me in a boot for 8 weeks. That 8 weeks made my heart hurt; that was all I needed to take the next step. I first became a fitness instructor and started teaching and designing fitness classes. Next, I became a personal trainer and that is when I learned just how much I loved helping others.

After teaching and training for a few years, I added in nutrition coach to the mix and while I was at it I went ahead and became a skin care consultant. Hey, why not help women look as good as they feel? I bet by now you have realized how much I love helping other women. The truth is I love helping women who are going through adrenal fatigue, have low thyroid, are having peri-menopause and menopause symptoms, and are burnout with no idea what to do next.

I have no idea where this journey will take me but I am happy that you will be here with me through it all. Let’s lift each other up and enjoy the ride of life together.