Why did I start this blog???

1 before photo, 1 now photo

Hi and welcome!!! I am so grateful you stopped on this blog post to learn a little more about me and why I decided to start a blog!

Why did I start this blog? That is the big question, especially since I have not posted my first blog post until now. To be very transparent this was not my idea at all, far from it. As a matter of fact I have an Aunt, who is a well know blogger in the vegan community, and she has been telling me for a number of years I should start a blog. Even though she has been telling me this I can’t give credit to her either. You see I am not good at grammar, you will find errors I am sure, and I would much rather be on a stage in front of thousands speaking than I had writing!!! After all I talk a lot with my hands and my facial expressions are so funny sometimes and you can’t really see that in my writing. Or maybe you can I will let you decide. Ok let me get on with this story!!! Where to start is the question that crosses my mind because this blog did not just come out of thin air, it has been in the works most of my life and I just didn’t know it. But since we don’t have all day or care to go on and on let me start here..

It was January 7, 1972, the day was cold, dark and rainy. Well that’s what I think anyway. And in some ways I guess it was. That is the day my Mom found out I was girl, and a girl is not what she wanted!!! Or at least that is what she told the Dr. who delivered me!!! Let me just say this so we can move forward. My life was not easy and I have had to dig deep and work hard to become the positive, strong, encouraging, loving women I am today!!! That is what has gotten me this far and that is what will continue to push me forward!!!

On January 15, 2022 I had this nudge, this insistent nudge that I should start a blog. I have not doubt that God was that nudge!!!! My whole life I have felt like I was meant for big things. However I have spent most of my life overcoming lots of adversity. I come from a dysfunctional family, like most of us do, that was filled with physical and mental abuse as well as drug and alcohol abuse that made the physical and mental abuse so much worse.

After years of taking the abuse and being told I would never amount anything, I decided to move out on my own at the ripe old age of 17. Since I can’t leave you wondering what happens next let’s just say I had very low self-estem and tried to please everyone in hopes that someday I could live up to what I thought I was supposed to be.

While there is still so much to tell about my life that makes me who I am today we will save that for another day. However, I can say, all the adversity and growing stronger has shown me that I was put here on this earth for the purpose of helping and serving others. It has taken me years to learn how I can do that and why I am truly beyond qualified to do so.

Long before the blog “Beautifully Unfinished Me” was even a twinkle of a thought the words beautifully unfinished played like a record on repeat in my mind. These are the words that God told me was truth about myself. This OCD, people pleasing, hard on herself girl was no more than a work in progress to God. And nobody knows me better than he does. Let me answer that question floating around. No this is not a post about religion or being religious, its a post about girl who decided to listen to God and get rid of the negative talk in her head and in her life and replace it with positive and uplifting quotes and self talk. But let me be clear I am very much a Christian and I love God deeply. I would not be here without him.

You know its a funny thing, when you start to replace the negative with the positive your life starts to change. You start to look at the things around you and you’re grateful for them, you stop taking people for granted and you start to become a nicer person all around. But please don’t get me wrong, that does not mean life has gotten easier. It just means I truly learned to focus on all the good and forgive and let go of the not so good. I also now understand that part of having this life and helping others means I have to love myself and take care of myself so that I could give back!!! That, my friend, has been harder than I ever imagined but has created more growth than I ever thought possible!!!

At the age of 42 I decided to start exercising so I joined in some fitness classes, even though I was scared of being made fun of, and I was hooked. It’s funny how you can’t see change while it’s happening and then one day, just like that, you can look back on a time in your life and see what was really happening. I didn’t realize it at the time but I fell completely fell in love with fitness and helping others on their health journey. What I didn’t mention was I was about 50 lbs over weight when I started working out and it was hard!!! I wanted to quit everyday. But something inside me keep pulling back, it was like an enchantress had a spell on me, I couldn’t explain it until now!!

8 years, 2 personal training certifications, multiple group fitness certifications, a nutrition coach certification with more to come and have found my passion!!! A passion for helping others be a better version of themselves. While I teach group fitness classes, have personal training clients as well as nutrition coaching clients I wanted a place where I could share more than just those things. I wanted a place, a community, for women, just like myself who are not perfect but want to be the best they can be for themselves, their families and their communities. While all are welcome here I will be focusing more on the things that middle aged women deal with like weight loss while going through menopause, strength training for middle age women, make up tips and tricks for middle age women who want to look their best, healthy clean eating with recipes with lots of tips to make it easy, lots of motivation and self-care tips and I am sure I will give you a workout or 10 along the way.

If you would like to join me on all the social places I have placed links below.




Beautifully Unfinished Me on Pinterest

5 responses to “Why did I start this blog???”

  1. An amazing, uplifting story. I look forward to reading your blog and following any advice, hints, recipes, and weight loss help I can get. I wish you much success with this new endeavor. Thank you so much.

  2. Heather I loved every word of this blog. I can honestly say from having known you for a long long time that I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. You look great so keep on going girl. I love and miss you.